Many of us are still half asleep when we scroll through our emails in the morning. That might not be such a great idea. Hidden perils lie in wait.
There you are, scrolling through another stack of messages, meeting reminders, ads, perhaps the occasional staff birthday shoutout. You’re clicking away mechanically, brain only half engaged, when you notice an email from a trusted co-worker or a close friend. You wonder what they have to say and click to find out. Big mistake! That email only seemed to come from the person you thought had sent it. By clicking on it without checking, you’ve just exposed your company to data theft or worse.
Let’s hope that never happens to you, but hoping isn’t always enough, and email phishing is a worryingly widespread phenomenon. Worse still, the bad guys responsible are getting smarter and more convincing by the day.
That’s where Solis comes in. We have a dedicated team that responds to any Business Email Compromise (BEC) you may experience, supporting you with unmatched expertise and professionalism. Our team brings together top-notch cybersecurity professionals, true detectives of the cyber security world, ready and able to provide effective assistance with phishing attempts and the bad actors behind them.
Businesses naturally look for solutions to protect their endpoints from every angle — from using the cloud to securing hardware. But combining multiple security platforms introduces complexities and can leave a business open to attack. Another common challenge for SMBs and SMEs, particularly when using cloud services like Google Workspace or Microsoft 365, is that critical alerts often go unnoticed. How are you supposed to counter cyber-attacks proactively, if you’re not picking up alerts?
Inadequate security coverage creates the potential for behavioral anomalies in credentials use, compromised data being exposed on the Dark Web, and attackers who have learned to conceal their activities becoming undetectable. Many platforms have security embedded in their programs, but not enough to stop attackers bypassing these firewalls. Once breached, 75% of businesses have high-risk vulnerabilities exploited within 19 days (source: Qualys, 2023).

How does Solis help?
After determining whether an attack has occurred and containing the threat, a Solis forensic analyst will use the available logging data to meticulously determine how the threat actor got in, how long they were in the environment, and what actions they took. The process takes about 15 days, much faster than a typical detective’s cases take to solve! It’s important that we can work this fast. Only that way can we reassure you and give you confidence in our ability to handle the situation. During this time, the forensic analyst may reach out to you with further questions to help them with the investigation.
A dedicated project manager will work with you throughout the case. Once the investigation is completed, the project manager assigned to your case will reach out to schedule a call on which they will share their findings with you. Your forensic analyst, and your legal counsel (assuming you’ve retained one) will also join this call to share the comprehensive investigation results.
Solis’ BEC team has the expertise and the solutions it takes to stop incidents reoccurring. We set our Phishing Risk Assessment in place at the start of the investigation. The resulting report provides insights into email threats that could be targeting your organization. The assessment report also highlights exposed credentials identified through our threat intelligence platforms.
This proactive approach pinpoints vulnerabilities and allows your organization to feel prepared and secure, safe in the knowledge that Solis works ceaselessly to stay one step ahead of potential threats. If you would like to know more, please reach out to Solis and we can assess the cyber exposures your organization faces.
Why Solis?
When exposed to business email compromise, you need rapid effective help. Our team of certified ethical hackers and security professionals brings you the benefit of decades’ experience identifying and mitigating cyber threats. They combine high-level professional certification and hands-on expertise gained working with one of the largest penetration-testing firms in the world, as well as with working extensively for the National Security Agency. With a team like that on your side, you know you’re in the best possible hands.
Want to make that happen? Get in touch with Solis today.
About Solis
Solis delivers best-in-class managed cyber security services and cyber incident response. Combining state-of-the-art technology with unparalleled cyber threat intelligence, our award-winning team of cybersecurity experts have more than 21 years of experience protecting SMBs and SMEs from devastating cyber-attacks.
With offices in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, Solis handles thousands of cyber events each year and is trusted by customers in 90+ countries around the world. Learn more at